Speed and Aggressive Driving

In today’s hurried society, speed and aggressive driving can be identified in nearly all drivers. We hurry to get everyone to their destinations without a proper respect for others on the roadway. Approximately 33% of all traffic fatalities in Missouri involve excessive speed, the most common factor in Missouri fatal crashes.  Almost half of all fatal crashes involve at least one aggressive driver. As much as we emphasize the dangers of impaired driving, speed and aggressive driving is listed as a contributing circumstance in fatal crashes more than twice as often. Speed is also usually the determining factor in the outcome of crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists. At 20 mph, a pedestrian has a 90% chance of surviving a crash. At 40 mph, the chance of survival drops to just 20%. Personal responsibility is key as we move toward zero. We must understand our need for speed is killing us and actively work to address the issue.

Speed Awareness Campaign

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Speed and Aggressive Driving Statistics
2022 Speed-Related Fatalities in Missouri
2022 Aggressive Driving Fatalities in Missouri
Speed is cited almost twice as often as impairment in Missouri fatal crashes.
The increase in risk of a fatal crash by driving just 5 mph higher
Year End 2022