Warmer weather equals the start of a busy season of construction and maintenance work on Missouri’s roads and bridges. The Missouri Department of Transportation reminds motorists of the importance of driving safely through work zones. Not all work zones look alike. Work zones can be moving operations, such as striping, patching or mowing. They can also be short term, temporary lane closures to make quick repairs or remove debris from the roadway.
Please be aware of changing traffic conditions. Traffic could slow or stop unexpectedly, traffic lanes can merge, or equipment and workers can enter the roadway. Be aware and be prepared to slow down.
Remember: work zone safety is in your hands. Buckle up and put the phone down while driving--two things that can save your life.
Driver inattention was the number one cause of work zone crashes last year. The average text takes five seconds to read. Traveling at 55 mph, you will travel more than the length of a football field—blindfolded. MoDOT’s slow moving maintenance operations move as slow as 10 mph and if you aren’t paying attention to the road, you will come up on the closed lane very quickly.
Motorists are required by the 2012 ‘Move Over’ law to slow down or change lanes when approaching law enforcement, emergency response vehicles and MoDOT vehicles parked on the side of the road or in a lane.
Work zones are dangerous places. Please pay attention and drive safely in work zones.
Videos on YouTube
Work Zone Awareness 2020 PSA (English)
Be More Than a Memory
Work Zone Awareness 2019 PSA (English)
Be Your Own Hero
Work Zone Awareness 2019 (Spanish)
Be Your Own Hero
Work Zone Awareness 2019 (English- 15 sec)
Be Your Own Hero
Work Zone Awareness 2019 (Spanish 15 sec)
Be Your Own Hero
Download Campaign Materials
- 2023 WZAW PSA :30
- 2023 WZAW PSA :15
- 2022 Work Zone Awareness PSA
- 2021 Work Zone Awareness PSA
- 2021 Work Zone Awareness- Statistics
- 2021 Work Zone Awareness Radio PSA
- Work Zone Awareness Poster 2- 2021
- Work Zone Awareness 15 sec PSA
- Work Zone Awareness 15 sec PSA (Spanish)
- Work Zone Awareness 30 sec PSA
- Work Zone Awareness 30 sec PSA Spanish
- Barrel Bob 2019
- Barrel Bob (b)
- 2019 Work Zone Awareness Week Poster
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