Make the Difference!
The theme of this year’s campaign is “Make the Difference”, with :15 and :30 videos that feature teens making the difference to buckle up to show up. Wearing a safety belt gives you the best chance of surviving a crash. Law enforcement will be cracking down on unbelted drivers during this campaign March 15 – 31.
Under the Graduated Driver License Law, teens from age 15-18 are required to wear their safety belt and it’s a primary offense if they don’t, meaning they can be pulled over solely for not wearing their safety belt. Based on the 2020 safety belt survey, teen use in Missouri is only 75.5 percent, much lower than state (86 percent) and national (91 percent) safety belt use. Missouri has four schools with a seat belt usage rate of 50% or less.
Stats & Facts
Videos on YouTube
Give Yourself a Chance 2018
:15 (English)
Give Yourself a Chance 2018
:15 (English)
Give Yourself a Chance 2018
:30 (Spanish)
Give Yourself a Chance 2018
:15 (Spanish)
Give Yourself a Chance 2018
:15 (ASL)
Give Yourself a Chance 2018
:15 (ASL)
Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time.
Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time.
Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time.
Buckle Up. It's No Joke.
:30 (English)
Buckle Up. It's No Joke.
:15 (English)
Things That Could Kill You
Self Appendectomy
Things That Could Kill You
Feeding a Wild Black Bear
L'Damian Washington and James Franklin
Remind You to Buckle Up
Download Campaign Materials
- Teen Seat Belt - LifeHack 2022
- Teen Seat Belt - Wherever You are Going 2022
- 2021 Youth Seat Belt :30 radio
- Youth Seat Belt 2020 :30 Radio
- 2019 Give Yourself a Chance PSA
- 2018 Give Yourself a Chance PSA
- 2018 Give Yourself a Chance Radio
- Buckle Up Every Trip Every Time Radio
- 295 MOre Lives Video
- Buckle Up It's No Joke PSA
- Buckle Up It's No Joke Radio
- Feeding Wildlife Radio
- Self Appendectomy Radio
- Never Say Never PSA
- Never Say Never Radio
- Get Your Buckle On PSA
- Get Your Buckle On Radio
- No Seat Belt No Excuse PSA
- No Substitute for Safety Belts
Additional Resources
- 2018 Teen Safety Belt Survey Final Report
- 2019 It Only Takes One PSA Contest 1st Place- Washington High School
- 2019 It Only Takes One PSA Contest 2nd Place- Liberty High School
- 2019 It Only Takes One PSA Contest 3rd Place- Scotland County High School
- 2018 Schools with 50% and Below Seat Belt Usage Rate
- 2018 Schools with 60% and Below Seat Belt Usage Rate
- TRACTION- Teens Taking Action to Prevent Traffic Crashes
- Missouri's Graduated Driver's License Law Video
- ThinkFirst Teen Safety
- First Impact Parent Program (Take Action)
- Missouri Cities/Counties with Primary Seat Belt Ordinances
- It Only Takes One (Take Action)
- Top 10 Reasons Why I Wear My Seat Belt
- Seat Belt Myths and Facts
- Unbelted Youth Fatalities by County 2019-2021
- Youth Fatalities 2019-2021
Note on Teen Seat Belt Use:
Seven out of 10 teens who died in crashes last year weren't buckled up.
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